BHUVAN( Sanskrit for Earth) is a Indian Geo-platform of ISRO ( , allowing host of services covering visualization , free data download , thematic map display, timely information on disaster, crowd sourcing and project specific GIS application since August 2009 and available in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
Services in BHUVAN:
1. BHUVAN 2D/3D: Allows visualization with pan, zoom, place, name ,search , overlays and online editing.
2. NRSC Open EO Data Archive: Allows download of free satellite data and products of specified period and resolution.
3. Thematic Services: Facilitate the users to select, browse and query the Thematic Datasets from this portal.
4. Disaster services: Proides timely information on various disasters for better decision making.
5. Ocean Services : Provides Potentail Fishing Zones,Chloropheyll, Sea Surface Temperature information
Application Sectors in Bhuvan
1. Agriculture
2. Forestry
3. E-GovernanceTourism
4. Water
5. Tourism
6. Urban
7. Rural