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The BHUVAN-SUVIDHA provides access to data sets and a map editing application allows users to browse existing maps and contribute their own.
The Layers tab allows you to browse data uploaded to this BHUVAN-SUVIDHA.
All data can be downloaded in a variety of formats, for use in other applications.
The BHUVAN-SUVIDHA allows users to create and share maps with one another.
The Maps tab is a gateway to map exploration on BHUVAN-SUVIDHA. From here you can search for a map or create a map, which will open the Map Composer.
To create a new map go to the Contributed Maps tab and click the create your own map link.
This will take you to the Map Composer with a base layer loaded.
To add data layers from the BHUVAN-SUVIDHA click on the green plus button located below the layers tab on the left hand side of the screen. This will open a dialog listing all the layers available on the BHUVAN-SUVIDHA.
To add layers to your map select them and hit the Add Layers button. When finished you may hit Done to close the dialog and go back to the map.
Change the display order of the layers listed in the data tab by simply dragging and dropping their names. The order in the map will be updated to reflect that. To turn a layer's visibility off simply uncheck it, and to remove it entirely select it and hit the red minus button.
Once a suitable set of layers and zoom level has been found it's time to save it so others can see it. Click the Save button--the left most icon on the top toolbar, an image of a map with a disk--on the top menu and fill out the title and abstract of the map.
Any map from the BHUVAN-SUVIDHA can be embedded for use in another site or blog. To export a map:
This will put an interactive widget showing you map in your web page or blog post.
Note that the Map Composer also has a button to export the map. Just be sure to save the map before exporting if there are changes that you want others to see. It exports the last saved version, not the last viewed version.
Any map available can serve as a starting point for a new map.
You will be able to see your new map when you search for it from the Maps tab.